Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Generic Out of Place Welcome I can point FaceBook fans to

Good evening, Parenting Partners! Glad to see all these new faces, it's been a big 10 days for DOTR and I haven't done this in several months... so I thought I'd throw out a little background on the poop you just stepped in. I am married to Vv, my outstanding and lovely wife, who brings home the bacon (mmm... bacon) and I'm a stay home Dad of two (Link, 1yo & J Bean 4yo), 2 cats (one of which may actually be a cow), and a fish (John The Revelator, who was just installed a few weeks ago and has already outlived 3 of his 5 predecessors). We talk a lot, scratch that joke a lot, about parenting here. While politically informed, I'm sometimes politically incorrect. I curse, a lot or a little depending on the day, I do this mainly because I put on a Mr. Rogers persona for my children and sometimes I just need to drop an F-bomb or four with consenting adults. Is that fucking OK with you? Great.   ;-)  No disrespect. 

In other words, its not all posters you've seen on 10 other pages, cat pictures and SomeEcards (my originals are StayHomeDad-E-Cards... see what I did there?) here but I'm certainly not too good to share some of them on occasion. I try to make my own content as often as I can, most is a failed attempt at humor but I do get serious once in a while too. I will mix in some funny stuff from all the awesome Mom/Dad Bloggers I follow on occasion; however, page shares are rare and "share for shares" are despised. I'll share with you what I find fantastic or great and write for you the best I can (usually neither fantastic or great). There are also plenty of pics of my kids... sorry just part of having a SAHD as a friend. Anyway... Welcome! Have fun, speak up, disagree, make the rest of us laugh all you want, but do be respectful of each other please. 

On the off-chance I'm your first stay home Dad friend, here is our anthem. Actually, I can't speak for the rest of those guys, so I guess this is just my anthem. (Other relevant links if you want to be in on some of the "inside" jokes here can be found in the link to my blog in the comments.d 

Oh, and I almost forgot! Occasionally, meerkats take over my page and blog in my place. We never know when this may happen, so we have Meerkat Mondays in order to stave off their hijackings. 

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